Ballybay Credit Union launches Green Loan

30 September, 2023

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Green Loans.  In order to support the green economy and encourage everyone to strive for more energy efficient enhancements, we are offering low interest rates on home renovations, retrofitting and transport initiatives.

Speaking at the launch on Northern Sound, our CEO Marie O’Neill explained that “the Credit Union has always been about community and we want to play our part in helping to contribute to a more sustainable future for the community.  The Green Loan aims to make it easier for our members to consider sustainable choices.”

Green Loans can be applied for in the Credit Union, over the phone or through our website.  You can find out more about our Green Loans here.

This is just one initiative that the Credit Union is introducing to become more sustainable.  Members can also do their bit by signing up to receive electronic notifications from the Credit Union rather than paper booklets each year.  You can go paperless here.

Individually we can make a difference.  Together we can make a change.

#ballybaycu #community #greenloan


